Miki Vitkovski

Web Developer

About me

Who im?

Hey there, I’m Miki Vitkovski, a junior web developer passionate about crafting immersive digital experiences through innovative web solutions. My journey into the world of web development began with a burning curiosity and a commitment to mastering the intricacies of both front-end and back-end technologies. Bringing ideas to life through captivating user interfaces is my forte. I specialize in leveraging the power of HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, TypeScript, NextJS frameworks such as React to build intuitive, responsive, and visually stunning front-end designs. Ensuring seamless functionality across diverse browsers and devices is not just a goal but a standard I strive to exceed in every project I undertake. The magic behind the scenes – that's where I thrive too. My proficiency extends to server-side scripting languages like Node.js, coupled with hands-on experience in database management systems such as MySQL. Building robust APIs and optimizing database structures are among the many back-end tasks I handle efficiently.

What i know ?

HTML5 is the standard language for creating structure content, defining elements like headings, paragraphs, images, and links.


CSS3 styles defining how elements look and are positioned. It controls colors, fonts, spacing, and layout, enhancing website design.


Sass extends CSS with variables, nested rules, and mixins.


Streamlines web development with a sleek design and responsive components, catering to projects of all sizes


JavaScript is a scripting language for web development that adds interactivity and dynamic features to websites.


Enhances web development with strong typing for robust, scalable, and maintainable applications.


JavaScript library for dynamic UIs in single-page apps, featuring a declarative and component-based approach.


Next.js is a React framework for fast web apps, supporting server-side rendering and API routes.


Node.js is a JavaScript runtime for server-side applications, enabling powerful backend development with JavaScript.


Express.js is a minimal and flexible Node.js web framework.


MySQL is open-source database system that manages and organizes data using Structured Query Language.


Git is a version control system for tracking changes in code.

My Projects
Want to work with me?

Always feel Free to Contact & Hire me

How can you communicate?

Contact Me

E-mail: mikivitkovski@gmail.com

Mobile Phone: +38978514328